Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Exercism: "Robot Simulator in Clojure"

I solved the Robot Simulator problem in Clojure.

This is my solution:

(ns robot-simulator)
(defn robot [coordinates bearing]
{:coordinates coordinates
:bearing bearing})
(def ^:private turns
{:right {:north :east
:east :south
:south :west
:west :north}
:left {:north :west
:east :north
:south :east
:west :south}})
(defn- turn [direction current-bearing]
(get-in turns [direction current-bearing]))
(defn turn-right [bearing]
(turn :right bearing))
(defn turn-left [bearing]
(turn :left bearing))
(def ^:private displacements
{:north [0 1]
:east [1 0]
:south [0 -1]
:west [-1 0]})
(defn- advance [{{:keys [x y]} :coordinates bearing :bearing}]
(let [displacement (get displacements bearing [0 0])
[x y] (map + [x y] displacement)]
(robot {:x x :y y} bearing)))
(defn- right [{bearing :bearing :as rb}]
(assoc rb :bearing (turn-right bearing)))
(defn- left [{bearing :bearing :as rb}]
(assoc rb :bearing (turn-left bearing)))
(def ^:private commands
{\R right
\A advance
\L left})
(defn simulate [[first-msg & rest-msg] rb]
(if-let [comm (get commands first-msg)]
(recur rest-msg (comm rb))
I think that the turn-right and turn-left functions aren't necessary. I've kept them because they are being exercised from the tests given by Exercism.

You can nitpick the solution here and/or see all the exercises I've done so far in this repository.

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