Monday, April 1, 2024

Books I read (January - March 2024)

- The Twyford Code, Janice Hallett
- Tidy First?, Kent Beck
- Principle-based Refactoring, Steve Halladay

- Telegraph Avenue, Michael Chabon
- Developer Testing, Alexander Tarlinder
- Java OOP Done Right, Alan Mellor
- Effective Software Testing, A Developer's Guide, Maurício Aniche. (2nd time)
- Object-Oriented Thought Process, Matt Weisfeld

- Working Effectively with Legacy Code (3rd time), Michael Feathers
- Legacy Code first-aid kit, Nicolas Carlo
- La parábola de los talentos (Parable of the Talents), Octavia E. Butler

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Books I read (January - February 2024)

- The Twyford Code, Janice Hallett
- Tidy First?, Kent Beck
- Principle-based Refactoring, Steve Halladay

- Telegraph Avenue, Michael Chabon
- Developer Testing, Alexander Tarlinder
- Java OOP Done Right, Alan Mellor
- Effective Software Testing, A Developer's Guide, Maurício Aniche. (2nd time)
- Object-Oriented Thought Process, Matt Weisfeld

Monday, February 5, 2024

Books I read (January 2024)

- The Twyford Code, Janice Hallett
- Tidy First?, Kent Beck
- Principle-based Refactoring, Steve Halladay