This time we had to write a program to solve the 8-puzzle problem (and its natural generalizations) using the A* search algorithm.
Although I didn't understand well the problem description the first time I read it, in the end, this has been the easiest assignment so far.
I used TDD to code the Board class but only tested afterwards the Solver class.
These were the assessment tests result:
Compilation: PASSED Style: FAILED Findbugs: No potential bugs found. API: PASSED Correctness: 24/24 tests passed Memory: 8/8 tests passed Timing: 17/17 tests passed Raw score: 100.00% [Correctness: 65%, Memory: 10%, Timing: 25%, Style: 0%]I was a bit tired so I decided not to fix the style.
if you are able to send us code please do it I would like to study it, if you are able to please send me on