Saturday, September 21, 2013

MOOCs: Solved 8 Puzzle assignment

I've just solved the fourth assignment from Princeton's Algorithms I course in Coursera.

This time we had to write a program to solve the 8-puzzle problem (and its natural generalizations) using the A* search algorithm.

Although I didn't understand well the problem description the first time I read it, in the end, this has been the easiest assignment so far.
I used TDD to code the Board class but only tested afterwards the Solver class.

These were the assessment tests result:
Compilation:  PASSED
Style:        FAILED
Findbugs:     No potential bugs found.
API:          PASSED

Correctness:  24/24 tests passed
Memory:       8/8 tests passed
Timing:       17/17 tests passed

Raw score: 100.00% [Correctness: 65%, Memory: 10%, Timing: 25%, Style: 0%]
I was a bit tired so I decided not to fix the style.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

MOOCs: Solved Collinear Points assignment

Last Sunday I finished the third assignment from Princeton's Algorithms I course in Coursera.

The problem consisted in drawing every (maximal) line segment that connected a subset of 4 or more of the points given a set of N distinct points in a plane.

First, we had to write a brute force algorithm with order of growth N4 in the worst case that used space proportional to N. And then, we had to write a faster algorithm with order of growth N2log(N) using also space proportional to N.

This time I used TDD only for the Point class. For the Fast and Brute algorithms I wrote some unit tests afterwards that compared the program results for given inputs provided in the course site with the expected outputs.

When I submitted my solution, I started having a very frustrating problem in the Fast tests.
Although my solution seemed to be working with the provided inout files, (even with the rs1423.txt example that I'll show you later), the assessment tests were crashing after a test with random segments. This crash aborted the tests so I was getting a message saying that:
Total: 0/18 tests passed: 
Test aborted. Ran out of time or crashed before completion
Since the inputs that were making it fail were random, I couldn't get them to debug my program. I checked the code many times but I couldn't find any bug that could be causing that problem.

After asking in the course forums, I found out that it was a failure in the grading system which was overloaded by thousands of people submitting their assignments on Sunday night.

After a couple of hours, I submitted my solution again and these were the assesment tests results:
Compilation:  PASSED
Style:        PASSED
Findbugs:     No potential bugs found.
API:          PASSED

Correctness:  36/36 tests passed
Memory:       1/1 tests passed
Timing:       17/17 tests passed

Raw score: 100.00% [Correctness: 65%, Memory: 10%, Timing: 25%, Style: 0%]

I had spent a lot of time chasing a ghost bug but, in the end, at least it was over.
I made a mental note to myself: "don't try to submit when the grading system is too busy".

To finish, I'd like to show the picture that my program produces when it's fed with the rs1423.txt file:

It's Robert Sedgewick, the course professor.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Articles and Posts read

Career Resilience: The Four Patterns that Should Guide All Your Career Moves

Learning and software craftsmanship
SOLID principles and TDD
Classic TDD or "London School"?
On class-oriented
Vaughn Vernon on Advanced Architecture Styles with DDD
Ports And Adapters Architecture
Hexagonal Architecture
Software developers are a model for career resilience
The General Problem
Thoughts on test-driven development
Seams: Some thoughts
Patterns to Isolate Code in Continuous Delivery
What makes a programmer

A Comparison of Angular, Backbone, CanJS and Ember
Introduction to WebSockets
Javascript hoisting explained

How I do C++ Testing

Functional Programming
Functors, Applicatives, And Monads In Pictures

The other side of "academic freedom"
La huella del tsunami de Gran Canaria, en el Maipés de Agaete

Spain and Europe
Jóvenes a la espera
Spain's science policy needs a U-turn
Grecia amenaza con cobrar a Berlín daños de guerra por la invasión nazi
¿Cómo se sostiene un país con seis millones de parados?
El muro de los 50
España es la más corrupta de la UE tras Grecia e Italia

MOOCs: A Brief History of Humankind in Coursera

I'm following Dr. Yuval N. Harari's "A Brief History of Humankind" course on Coursera.

It's a very interesting course which surveys the entire length of human history, from the evolution of various human species in the Stone Age up to the political and technological revolutions of the twenty-first century.

You can still enroll if you're interested.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Interesting Panel: "Commenting TDD, where did it all go wrong"

This week I watched this great panel commenting Ian Copper's talk TDD, where did it all go wrong:
After watching Ian Cooper's talk a month ago, we started to try to bring together some of the more experienced members of Aprendices to form a panel in which they could debate about the ideas in the talk.

In the end a group of Spanish experienced TDD-practitioners joined the panel to share their experiences in TDD, BDD, design and many other things.

Thank you very much from here to all of them: Luis Artola, Miguel Angel Fernández, Enrique Amodeo, Guillermo Pascual, Javier Acero, Ricardo Borillo and Eduardo Ferro.
Also many thanks to Jaume Jornet for kindly taking the moderator role.

Interesting Panel: "¿Cómo usamos git en nuestro día a día?"

Last month Pepe Doval and some other Aprendices members held a very interesting hang out where they talked about the way they use Git:
This was the first Hang Out that arose from the Aprendices community.

I'd like to personally thank Pepe Doval, Raúl Tierno, David Vílchez, Nicolás Cortés, Gabriel Moral and Carlos García for taking part in it.

Interesting Talk: "What is BDD and why should I care?"

I've just watched this interesting talk by Matt Wynne:

Interesting Talk: "It's not your test framework, it's you"

I've just watched this interesting talk by Robbie Clutton and Matt Parker:
We've found many of the advices to make BDD sustainable that they give in this talk, in the book we're currently reading in Aprendices Reading Club: Gojko Adzic's Specification By Example.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

MOOCs: Model Thinking in Coursera

This summer I studied this great Coursera course by professor Scott E. Page from the University of Michigan:

I've just received my grades:

This course provided an introduction on how to think using models. Specific topics included, among others, decision-making, tipping points, economic models, crowd dynamics, Markov processes, game theory and predictive thinking.

It was a great course. The topics were very interesting and I liked very much the way the lecturer approached them. I learned very interesting things.

Thanks to Coursera and Scott E. Page for this course.

MOOCs: Solved Randomized Queues and Deques assignment

I finished this afternoon the second assignment from Princeton's Algorithms I course in Coursera.
This time we had to develop two generic data types: a Randomized Queue and a Deque.

These were the assesment tests results:
Compilation:  PASSED
Style:        PASSED
Findbugs:     No potential bugs found.
API:          PASSED

Correctness:  32/32 tests passed
Memory:       47/47 tests passed
Timing:       24/24 tests passed

Raw score: 100.00% [Correctness: 65%, Memory: 10%, Timing: 25%, Style: 0%]

As in every assignment of this course, the APIs were already fixed by the professors and there were several memory and time constraints for each operation of both generic data types.

I'm using TDD to get to my solutions and, even though, having the APIs predefined kills the fun in the programming by intention part of TDD, I've still found this technique very useful.

Developing the Deque with TDD was very smooth.
I started driving my code with just the pre-defined idea of using a linked list to meet the memory and time requirements. For me, it was nice to see how far the tests could take without even have to create a linked list inside the Deque. Later on I got to a test that drove me to realize that I needed a double-linked list instead.
Having said that, I must admit that I wasn't able to find a way to put that double-linked list in place using baby steps. So I just cheated and did a big change to make the new test pass while keeping the previous tests in green.

A couple of days later, I started developing the Randomized Queue and, in this case, TDD wasn't smooth at all.
I think that the culprit was the fact that we were forced to use a static method of the provided stdlib library to generate random numbers. The fixed APIs plus the static random numbers generation made it very difficult to test the Randomized Queue.
My way around was feeding the queue with integers in ascending order, then using the random number generation function with a given seed to know which of them will be dequeued, and finally resetting the random number generation function with the same seed before calling dequeue several times. This is hardly TDD and the resulting tests were very ugly.

Another thing that I didn't TDD was the resizing of the array implemented inside the Randomized Queue. I just put it there and used the tests to know eveything was still working. Now, I realized that I could have made the array public for a while in order to develop that feature using TDD, and deleted the test once it was working and made the array private again. Well, I'll try this approach next time.

That's all. I'm still enjoying the course and I'm looking forward to start the new assignment: Collinear Points.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

CAS 2013: Algunas charlas que me gustaría que se hicieran

Estas son tres conferencias que me gustaría que al final se hicieran este año en la CAS2013, pero que no tienen muchos votos y quizás no salgan.
Considero que pueden ser muy interesantes y sería una pena que no consiguiesen votos suficientes:
Si van a ir a la CAS2013 y les interesa alguna, no dejen de votarla por favor.

PS: Vaya, parece que mi preocupación era infundada.
Resulta que las charlas de la CAS2013 no se elegía por votación.

MOOCs: Solved "backwash" problem in Percolation assignment

I've just finished the first assignment from Princeton's Algorithms I course in Coursera.

This first assignment was to write a program to estimate the value of the percolation threshold via Monte Carlo simulation.

I thought that the solution I coded last weekend was fine because it was correctly computing the percolation thresholds for many different grid sizes.
However, when I tested it today using the provided PercolationVisualizer class, I realized that it was suffering from the "backwash" problem.

The problem was also detected by the automatic assessment tests:
Compilation:  PASSED
Style:        PASSED
Findbugs:     No potential bugs found.
API:          PASSED

Correctness:  16/20 tests passed
Memory:       8/8 tests passed
Timing:       9/9 tests passed

Raw score: 87.00% [Correctness: 65%, Memory: 10%, Timing: 25%, Style: 0%]
There were four tests checking the backwash problem.

It took me a couple of hours but, in the end, I managed to fix it by using two WeightedQuickUnionUF objects instead of one.

This was the final result of the automatic assessment tests:
Assessment Summary
Compilation:  PASSED
Style:        PASSED
Findbugs:     No potential bugs found.
API:          PASSED

Correctness:  20/20 tests passed
Memory:       8/8 tests passed
Timing:       9/9 tests passed

Raw score: 100.00% [Correctness: 65%, Memory: 10%, Timing: 25%, Style: 0%]

I'm enjoying this course very much!